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Loyalty Tokens

Using the Sui Closed-Loop Token standard, you can create tokens that are valid only for a specific service, like an airline that wants to grant tokens to frequent flyers to purchase tickets or upgrades.

The following example demonstrates the creation of a loyalty token that bearers can use to make purchases in a digital gift shop.


The Loyalty Token example illustrates a loyalty token that is created with the Closed Loop Token standard. If you were to implement this example, the Admin would send LOYALTY tokens to the users of your service as a reward for their loyalty. The example creates a GiftShop where holders can spend LOYALTY tokens to buy Gifts.


The loyalty.move source file contains the examples::loyalty module code that creates the loyalty token. The module includes the one-time witness (OTW) that creates the coin (with the same name as the module, LOYALTY), possesses only the drop ability, and has no fields. These are the characteristics of a OTW, which ensures the LOYALTY type has a single instance.

public struct LOYALTY has drop {}

The init function of the module uses the LOYALTY OTW to create the token. All init functions run one time only at the package publish event. The initializer function makes use of the OTW LOYALTY type defined previously in its call to create_currency. The function also defines a policy, sending both the policy capability and treasury capability to the address associated with the publish event. The holder of these transferrable capabilities can mint new LOYALTY tokens and modify their policies.

fun init(otw: LOYALTY, ctx: &mut TxContext) {
let (treasury_cap, coin_metadata) = coin::create_currency(
0, // no decimals
b"LOY", // symbol
b"Loyalty Token", // name
b"Token for Loyalty", // description
option::none(), // url

let (mut policy, policy_cap) = token::new_policy(&treasury_cap, ctx);

token::add_rule_for_action<LOYALTY, GiftShop>(
&mut policy,


transfer::public_transfer(policy_cap, tx_context::sender(ctx));
transfer::public_transfer(treasury_cap, tx_context::sender(ctx));

The LOYALTY minting function is called reward_user. As mentioned previously, the holder of the TreasuryCap can call this function to mint new loyalty tokens and send them to the desired address. The function uses the token::mint function to create the token and token::transfer to send it to the intended recipient.

public fun reward_user(
cap: &mut TreasuryCap<LOYALTY>,
amount: u64,
recipient: address,
ctx: &mut TxContext,
) {
let token = token::mint(cap, amount, ctx);
let req = token::transfer(token, recipient, ctx);

token::confirm_with_treasury_cap(cap, req, ctx);

Finally, the example includes a buy_a_gift function to handle the redemption of LOYALTY tokens for Gift types. The function ensures the gift price matches the number of loyalty tokens spent, then uses the token::spend function to handle the treasury bookkeeping.

public fun buy_a_gift(token: Token<LOYALTY>, ctx: &mut TxContext): (Gift, ActionRequest<LOYALTY>) {
assert!(token::value(&token) == GIFT_PRICE, EIncorrectAmount);

let gift = Gift { id: object::new(ctx) };
let mut req = token::spend(token, ctx);

token::add_approval(GiftShop {}, &mut req, ctx);

(gift, req)

Complete code

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/// This module illustrates a Closed Loop Loyalty Token. The `Token` is sent to
/// users as a reward for their loyalty by the application Admin. The `Token`
/// can be used to buy a `Gift` in the shop.
/// Actions:
/// - spend - spend the token in the shop
module examples::loyalty;

use sui::{coin::{Self, TreasuryCap}, token::{Self, ActionRequest, Token}};

/// Token amount does not match the `GIFT_PRICE`.
const EIncorrectAmount: u64 = 0;

/// The price for the `Gift`.
const GIFT_PRICE: u64 = 10;

/// The OTW for the Token / Coin.
public struct LOYALTY has drop {}

/// This is the Rule requirement for the `GiftShop`. The Rules don't need
/// to be separate applications, some rules make sense to be part of the
/// application itself, like this one.
public struct GiftShop has drop {}

/// The Gift object - can be purchased for 10 tokens.
public struct Gift has key, store {
id: UID,

// Create a new LOYALTY currency, create a `TokenPolicy` for it and allow
// everyone to spend `Token`s if they were `reward`ed.
fun init(otw: LOYALTY, ctx: &mut TxContext) {
let (treasury_cap, coin_metadata) = coin::create_currency(
0, // no decimals
b"LOY", // symbol
b"Loyalty Token", // name
b"Token for Loyalty", // description
option::none(), // url

let (mut policy, policy_cap) = token::new_policy(&treasury_cap, ctx);

// but we constrain spend by this shop:
token::add_rule_for_action<LOYALTY, GiftShop>(
&mut policy,


transfer::public_transfer(policy_cap, tx_context::sender(ctx));
transfer::public_transfer(treasury_cap, tx_context::sender(ctx));

/// Handy function to reward users. Can be called by the application admin
/// to reward users for their loyalty :)
/// `Mint` is available to the holder of the `TreasuryCap` by default and
/// hence does not need to be confirmed; however, the `transfer` action
/// does require a confirmation and can be confirmed with `TreasuryCap`.
public fun reward_user(
cap: &mut TreasuryCap<LOYALTY>,
amount: u64,
recipient: address,
ctx: &mut TxContext,
) {
let token = token::mint(cap, amount, ctx);
let req = token::transfer(token, recipient, ctx);

token::confirm_with_treasury_cap(cap, req, ctx);

/// Buy a gift for 10 tokens. The `Gift` is received, and the `Token` is
/// spent (stored in the `ActionRequest`'s `burned_balance` field).
public fun buy_a_gift(token: Token<LOYALTY>, ctx: &mut TxContext): (Gift, ActionRequest<LOYALTY>) {
assert!(token::value(&token) == GIFT_PRICE, EIncorrectAmount);

let gift = Gift { id: object::new(ctx) };
let mut req = token::spend(token, ctx);

// only required because we've set this rule
token::add_approval(GiftShop {}, &mut req, ctx);

(gift, req)